To truly understand what customers want they must be given a choice. Using Conjoint Analysis, IIBD's iSIGHT study simulates a purchase decision and is 94.8% accurate in predicting actual purchase behaviour.
Determine which product attributes bring value and which attributes don’t bring value to the customer guiding R&D development.
Determine the overall value in dollars
each attribute brings.
Determine the size of the market,
allowing for a meaningful ROI to be
calculated before the R&D is started
Determine the potential number of customers
and market size. What price customers will pay
for the new tool.
Create an informed marketing strategy from a
market segmentation showing beachhead
customers / early adopters / late adopters and
Determine which attribute is of most interest to
each customer (by company and by name), and
understand geo-markets, target customers and
buyer profiles.
Know the dollar value of the product to each
Understand which customers to target early
on in the launch phase (and which to avoid),
enabling a more successful sales roll-out.
Tell your sales reps which attributes to focus
presentations on, adapting this to each
customer and paving the way for one easier