Flying too Close to the Sun – the C-Series passenger Jet

A technical advantage doesn’t always translate into a competitive market advantage.  To fully realize a competitive market advantage, you must ensure the product meets the standard of a ‘minimal viable product’.  This means there are certain criteria customers expect you to meet to be considered as an alternative purchase.  As Bombardier discovered with its ill-fated […]

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Strategy….The Good, the Ugly and the really Bad

Senior managers gather in a ballroom for a presentation on the Vision of the Future.   Lights are dimmed and music is cued for the dramatic announcement of the corporate vision …. “To be the most respected and successful company in their industry”.  The PowerPoint fades to a slick video emphasizing the strategic goals of ‘Market […]

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Finding Competitive Advantage

The Turkish division of a large European medical equipment manufacturer was facing a major challenge.  Until this point they’d mostly controlled the market but a major USA manufacturer, (and their main competitor globally) was moving in.  The American competitor had already muscled into other European markets and was now itching to establish a foothold in […]

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